Tuesday 30 September 2014

Monday 22 September 2014

What's this?

A very funny song about school objects. Let's sing!

And now, listen and repeat these flashcards!

School objects vocabulary

Here you can find vocabulary about school objects.


Learn the alphabet with these videos!

Saturday 20 September 2014

Hobbies, sports and leisure time!

Let's learn a lot of vocabulary about free time activities.

Free time activities II

On-line exercises about free time. Level: Lower intermediate.

                                            CLICK HERE

Free time activities I

These are on-line excersices about free time. Level: Elementary.

                                                           CLICK HERE

Toys songs

Lots of lovely toys!!!


Learn lot of vocabulary about toys.

Colours songs

An easy way to learn colours!!!


There are lots of colours. Do you know their names?

Friday 19 September 2014

Time exercises

You can do lots of exercises visiting this web siste.

                                                       CLICK HERE

What time is it?

Watch these videos to learn how to tell the time.